Dog soldiers Review and Opinion




Dog Soldiers (2002)
Director: Neil Marshall

review by Michael Lohr

This is a very entertaining, realistic horror movie about werewolves, the best one since John Landis' An American Werewolf in London. This movie marks a much-needed return to the traditional horror movie genre. Written and directed by Neil Marshall and co-produced by Christopher Figg (Trainspotting, Hellraiser), Dog Soldiers is a classic tale of survival, in much the same regard as Night Of The Living Dead and Alien. Bob Keen's Image Effects did a fantastic job at making the werewolves of Dog Soldiers look realistic and terrifying. The odd thing about this film is that it contains quite a bit of humour, well-written humour that fits in oddly and superbly with the stark realism of the terror.
   The movie is set deep in the forests of Scotland, and stars Shawn Pertwee (Event Horizon, Soldier), Kevin McKidd (Hideous Kinky), and Liam Cunningham (RKO 281), as a group of soldiers are out on a training exercise when they stumble up the bloody, gut-strewn remnants of a 'special ops' camp. What ensues is two hours of panic-stricken frenzy deep in the dark of night. The werewolves themselves were dirty, disheveled and downright nasty. The cinematography was dark, moody, haunting and just splendid.
   I heard some American critics say that this movie was 'too British' for their tastes. Well, I'm American and I say, sod off you daft buggers! If this movie were US made, we no doubt would have had Britney Spears prancing about with enough boy-band cameos to make me gag on my popcorn. Simply, this is the best horror film that I have seen in a long, long time!


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Dog soldiers Review and Opinion

Dog soldiers Review and Opinion

Dog Soldiers (2002) Director: Neil Marshallreview by Michael LohrThis is a very entertaining, realistic horror movie about werewolves, the best one since John





Dog soldiers Review and Opinion
Dog soldiers Review and Opinion

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