UKM: Ultimate Killing Machine (2006)
Director: David Mitchell
review by Alasdair Stuart
At a secret research facility, a US Army project headed by Doctor Stroheim (John Evans) and Major Blevins (Michael Madsen) has perfected a means of making super soldiers. But when the process goes wrong and veteran, Sergeant Dodds is driven mad, the project hits a setback. A setback that may be solved by recruiting some very unconventional new blood...
Let's not beat around the bush here, this is terrible. The central concept is moderately fun, and Madsen does what he can but the film effectively restarts half an hour in. The introduction of the new recruits sees a seismic change in style, an attempt to enter Trainspotting-like self-awareness and some fairly serious stylistic mistakes. Whilst the young cast do what they can (Mac Fyfe as Waylon is actually rather good) they are effectively trapped in a bad early-1980s' Doctor Who story with extra blood, doomed to run down the same corridor over and over until the film's finished. There are logic gaps that a truck could be driven through, some resolutely pointless blood and gore and an ending that manages to be both predictable and, somehow, a cop out.
Done right, B-movies are a celebration of ambition and creativity over limitations, a freewheeling high-energy genre that's smart, funny, and huge fun. This is not a B-movie done right. Badly written, cheaply shot and flat out dull, there's nothing ultimate about this killing machine.
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Ukm: ultimate killing machine Review and Opinion
UKM: Ultimate Killing Machine (2006) Director: David Mitchell review by Alasdair StuartAt a secret research facility, a US Army project headed by Doctor Strohe

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